#Message ID: 11000 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11000 #\\ #[English] #No CDROM devices found! Please check that your system's #configuration is correct and that the CDROM drive is of a supported #type. For more information, consult the hardware guide #in the Doc menu. #Message ID: 11002 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11002 #\\ #[English] #No floppy devices found! Please check that your system's configuration #is correct. For more information, consult the hardware guide in the Doc #menu. #Message ID: 11004 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11004 #\\ #[English] #No DOS primary partitions found! This installation method is unavailable #Message ID: 11006 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11006 #\\ #[English] #No tape drive devices found! Please check that your system's configuration #is correct. For more information, consult the hardware guide in the Doc #menu. #Message ID: 11008 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11008 #\\ #[English] #Please enter the name of a temporary directory containing #sufficient space for holding the contents of this tape (or #tapes). The contents of this directory will be removed #after installation, so be sure to specify a directory that #can be erased afterwards! #Message ID: 11022 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11022 #\\ #[English] #Re-use old FTP site selection values? #Message ID: 11010 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11010 #\\ #[English] #Please specify the URL of a FreeBSD distribution on a #remote ftp site. This site must accept either anonymous #ftp or you should have set an ftp username and password #in the Options screen. #A URL looks like this: ftp:/// #Where is relative to the anonymous ftp directory or the #home directory of the user being logged in as. #Message ID: 11011 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11011 #\\ #[English] #Sorry, %s is an invalid URL! #Message ID: 11023 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11023 #\\ #[English] #You've already done the network configuration once, #would you like to skip over it now? #Message ID: 11012 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11012 #\\ #[English] #Looking up host %s. #Message ID: 11033 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11033 #\\ #[English] #Cannot resolve hostname `%s'! Are you sure that # yourname server, gateway and network interface are # correctly configured? #Message ID: 11030 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11030 #\\ #[English] #Please enter the address of the HTTP proxy in this format: # hostname:port (the ':port' is optional, default is 3128) #Message ID: 11014 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11014 #\\ #[English] #Enter a fully qualified pathname for the directory #containing the FreeBSD distribution files: #Message ID: 11015 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11015 #\\ #[English] #Please enter the full NFS file specification for the remote #host and directory containing the FreeBSD distribution files. #This should be in the format: hostname:/some/freebsd/dir #Message ID: 11016 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11016 #\\ #[English] #Invalid NFS path specification. Must be of the form: #host:/full/pathname/to/FreeBSD/distdir #Message ID: 11025 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11025 #\\ #[English] #You've already done the network configuration once, #would you like to skip over it now? #Message ID: 11013 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11013 #\\ #[English] #Cannot resolve hostname `%s'! Are you sure that your #name server, gateway and network interface are correctly configured? #Message ID: 11026 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11026 #\\ #[English] #Failure to read from media: User interrupt. #Message ID: 11027 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11027 #\\ #[English] #Write error on transfer to cpio process, try of %d bytes. #Message ID: 11028 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11028 #\\ #[English] #%10d bytes read from %s dist @ %.1f KB/sec. #Message ID: 11020 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11020 #\\ #[English] #Please enter the username you wish to login as: #Message ID: 11024 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11024 #\\ #[English] #Please enter the password for this user: #Message ID: 11021 #[no translated message!] #$$$$11021 #\\ #[English] #CPIO Verbosity is not set to anything!