#Message ID: 01013 $$$$01013 µå¶óÀ̺꿡 ÀÖ´Â CD´Â FreeBSD¸±¸®Áî°¡ ¾Æ´Ï°í À½¾Ç CD°°½À´Ï´Ù.\\ #[English] #The CD in your drive looks more like an Audio CD than a FreeBSD release. #Message ID: 01001 $$$$01001 %s¸¦ %s¿¡ ¸¶¿îÆ® ¿À·ù: %s (%u)\\ #[English] #Error mounting %s on %s: %s (%u) #Message ID: 01011 $$$$01011 °æ°í: Áö±Ý µå¶óÀ̺꿡 ÀÖ´Â CD´Â FreeBSD CD°¡ ¾Æ´Ï°Å³ª ¹öÀü ¹øÈ£°¡ ¾ø´Â ÀÌÀüÀÇ(2.1.5¹öÀü ÀÌÀü) CDÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ CD¸¦ ±×·¡µµ »ç¿ëÇϽðڽÀ´Ï±î?\\ #[English] #Warning: The CD currently in the drive is either not a FreeBSD #CD or it is an older (pre 2.1.5) FreeBSD CD which does not #have a version number on it. Do you wish to use this CD anyway? #Message ID: 01002 $$$$01002 %s/cdrom.infÆÄÀÏÀ» ãÀ» ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ°ÍÀº FreeBSD CDROMÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï°Å³ª, CDROM µå¶óÀ̹ö¿¡ ¹®Á¦°¡ Àְųª Çϵå¿þ¾î¿¡ À߸øÀÌ ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ ¹®Á¦¸¦ ÇØ°áÇÏ°í(VTY2ÀÇ ÄÜ¼Ö ±â·ÏÀ» º¸¼¼¿ä) ´Ù½Ã ÇØ º¸¼¼¿ä.\\ #[English] #Unable to find a %s/cdrom.inf file. #Either this is not a FreeBSD CDROM, there is a problem with #the CDROM driver or something is wrong with your hardware. #Please fix this problem (check the console logs on VTY2) and #try again. #Message ID: 01003 $$$$01003 °æ°í: Áö±Ý µå¶óÀ̺꿡 ÀÖ´Â FreeBSD CDÀÇ ¹öÀü(%s) Àº ºÎÆ® Ç÷ÎÇÇÀÇ ¹öÀü(%s)°ú ¸ÂÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù. ÀÌ°ÍÀÌ ÀǵµÀûÀÎ °ÍÀ̶ó¸é ¾ÕÀ¸·Îµµ ÀÌ ¸Þ½ÃÁö¸¦ ÇÇÇϱâ À§ÇØ ¼³Ä¡ ¸Åü¸¦ ¼±ÅÃÇϱâ Àü¿¡ ¿É¼Ç ÆíÁý±â·Î °¡¼­ ºÎÆ® Ç÷ÎÇÇÀÇ ¹öÀüÀ» CDÀÇ °Í°ú ¸Âµµ·Ï ÁöÁ¤ÇØ ÁֽʽÿÀ.\\ #[English] #Warning: The version of the FreeBSD CD currently in the drive #(%s) does not match the version of the boot floppy #(%s). #If this is intentional, to avoid this message in the future #please visit the Options editor to set the boot floppy version #string to match that of the CD before selecting it as your #installation media. #Message ID: 01014 $$$$01014 ÀÌ CDROMÀ» °è¼Ó »ç¿ëÇÏ°Ú½À´Ï±î?\\ #[English] #Would you like to try and use this CDROM anyway? #Message ID: 01015 $$$$01015 À§Çè: ÇöÀç µå¶óÀ̺꿡 ÀÖ´Â FreeBSD ¼³Ä¡ CD´Â Áö±Ý »ç¿ëÇÏ´Â ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ°¡ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó %s ¾ÆÅ°ÅØó¸¦ À§ÇÑ °ÍÀÔ´Ï´Ù.\\ #[English] #Fatal: The FreeBSD install CD currently in the drive #is for the %s architecture, not the machine you're using. #Message ID: 01004 $$$$01004 CDROMÀ» %s¿¡¼­ ¾ð¸¶¿îÆ®ÇÒ ¼ö ¾øÀ½: %s\\ #[English] #Could not unmount the CDROM from %s: %s