#Message ID: 07001 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07001 #\\ #[English] #WARNING: You have more than one root device set?! #Using the first one found. #Message ID: 07002 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07002 #\\ #[English] #WARNING: You have more than one /usr filesystem. #Using the first one found. #Message ID: 07074 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07074 #\\ #[English] #WARNING: You have more than one /var filesystem. #Using the first one found. #Message ID: 07003 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07003 #\\ #[English] #No root device found - you must label a partition as / #in the label editor. #Message ID: 07004 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07004 #\\ #[English] #No swap devices found - you must create at least one #swap partition. #Message ID: 07006 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07006 #\\ #[English] #You need to assign disk labels before you can proceed with #the installation. #Message ID: 07007 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07007 #\\ #[English] #Last Chance! Are you SURE you want continue the installation? #If you're running this on a disk with data you wish to save #then WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO MAKE PROPER BACKUPS before #proceeding! #We can take no responsibility for lost disk contents! #Message ID: 07008 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07008 #\\ #[English] #Couldn't make filesystems properly. Aborting. #Message ID: 07009 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07009 #\\ #[English] #installInitial: Couldn't clone the boot floppy onto the #root file system. Aborting! #Message ID: 07010 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07010 #\\ #[English] #installInitial: Unable to chroot to %s - this is bad! #Message ID: 07085 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07085 #\\ #[English] #Please insert a FreeBSD live filesystem CDROM and press return #Message ID: 07086 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07086 #\\ #[English] #Unable to mount the CDROM - do you want to try again? #Message ID: 07087 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07087 #\\ #[English] #Unable to symlink /mnt2 to the CDROM mount point. Please report this #unexpected failure to freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.org. #Message ID: 07088 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07088 #\\ #[English] #Warning: ldconfig could not create the ld.so hints file. #Dynamic executables from the CDROM likely won't work. #Message ID: 07089 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07089 #\\ #[English] #Warning: could not create the symlink for ld-elf.so.1 #Dynamic executables from the CDROM likely won't work. #Message ID: 07090 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07090 #\\ #[English] #Please remove the FreeBSD fixit CDROM now. #Message ID: 07200 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07200 #\\ #[English] #Unable to set media device to floppy. #Message ID: 07120 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07120 #\\ #[English] #The attempt to mount the fixit floppy failed, bad floppy #or unclean filesystem. Do you want to try again? #Message ID: 07121 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07121 #\\ #[English] #Please remove the fixit floppy now. #Message ID: 07013 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07013 #\\ #[English] #Warning: Was unable to create a /var/tmp/vi.recover directory. #vi will kvetch and moan about it as a result but should still #be essentially usable. #Message ID: 07111 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07111 #\\ #[English] #Unable to create an /etc directory! Things are weird on this floppy.. #Message ID: 07015 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07015 #\\ #[English] #Couldn't symlink the /etc/ files! I'm not sure I like this.. #Message ID: 07095 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07095 #\\ #[English] #Waiting for fixit shell to exit. Go to VTY4 now by #typing ALT-F4. When you are done, type ``exit'' to exit #the fixit shell and be returned here. #Message ID: 07096 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07096 #\\ #[English] #Waiting for fixit shell to exit. #When you are done, type ``exit'' to exit #the fixit shell and be returned here. #Message ID: 07020 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07020 #\\ #[English] #In the next menu, you will need to set up a DOS-style ("fdisk") partitioning #scheme for your hard disk. If you simply wish to devote all disk space #to FreeBSD (overwriting anything else that might be on the disk(s) selected) #then use the (A)ll command to select the default partitioning scheme followed #by a (Q)uit. If you wish to allocate only free space to FreeBSD, move to a #partition marked "unused" and use the (C)reate command. #Message ID: 07201 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07201 #\\ #[English] #You need to select some disks to operate on! Be sure to use SPACE #instead of RETURN in the disk selection menu when selecting a disk. #Message ID: 07022 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07022 #\\ #[English] #Now you need to create BSD partitions on the disk which you are #installing to. If you have a reasonable amount of disk space (200MB or more) #and don't have any special requirements, simply use the (A)uto command to #allocate space automatically. If you have more specific needs or just don't #care for the layout chosen by (A)uto, press F1 for more information on #manual layout. #Message ID: 07021 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07021 #\\ #[English] #Now you need to create BSD partitions inside of the fdisk partition(s) #just created. If you have a reasonable amount of disk space (200MB or more) #and don't have any special requirements, simply use the (A)uto command to #allocate space automatically. If you have more specific needs or just don't #care for the layout chosen by (A)uto, press F1 for more information on #manual layout. #Message ID: 07025 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07025 #\\ #[English] #Installation completed with some errors. You may wish to #scroll through the debugging messages on VTY1 with the #scroll-lock feature. You can also choose "No" at the next #prompt and go back into the installation menus to try and retry #whichever operations have failed. #Message ID: 07026 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07026 #\\ #[English] #Congratulations! You now have FreeBSD installed on your system. #We will now move on to the final configuration questions. #For any option you do not wish to configure, simply select #No. #If you wish to re-enter this utility after the system is up, you #may do so by typing: /stand/sysinstall. #Message ID: 07027 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07027 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to configure any Ethernet or SLIP/PPP network devices? #Message ID: 07100 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07100 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to bring the %s interface up right now? #Message ID: 07101 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07101 #\\ #[English] #Initialization of %s device failed. #Message ID: 07029 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07029 #\\ #[English] #Will this machine be a leaf node (e.g. will not forward packets) #between interfaces)? #Message ID: 07030 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07030 #\\ #[English] #Do you want to grant only normal users FTP access to this #host (e.g. no anonymous FTP connections)? #Message ID: 07031 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07031 #\\ #[English] #Do you want to configure this machine as an NFS server? #Message ID: 07032 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07032 #\\ #[English] #Do you want to configure this machine as an NFS client? #Message ID: 07033 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07033 #\\ #[English] #Do you want to select a default security profile for #this host (select No for "medium" security)? #Message ID: 07034 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07034 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to customize your system console settings? #Message ID: 07035 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07035 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to set this machine's time zone now? #Message ID: 07204 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07204 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to enable Linux binary compatibility? #Message ID: 07036 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07036 #\\ #[English] #Does this system have a non-USB mouse attached to it? #Message ID: 07037 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07037 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to configure your X server at this time? #Message ID: 07039 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07039 #\\ #[English] #The FreeBSD package collection is a collection of thousands of ready-to-run #applications, from text editors to games to WEB servers and more. Would you #like to browse the collection now? #Message ID: 07105 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07105 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to add any initial user accounts to the system? #Adding at least one account for yourself at this stage is suggested #since working as the "root" user is dangerous (it is easy to do #things which adversely affect the entire system). #Message ID: 07106 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07106 #\\ #[English] #Now you must set the system manager's password. #This is the password you'll use to log in as "root". #Message ID: 07040 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07040 #\\ #[English] #The commit operation completed with errors. Not #updating /etc files. #Message ID: 07109 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07109 #\\ #[English] #Unable to initialize selected media. Would you like to #adjust your media configuration and try again? #Message ID: 07043 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07043 #\\ #[English] #Visit the general configuration menu for a chance to set #any last options? #Message ID: 07122 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07122 #\\ #[English] #Unable to copy /kernel into place! #Message ID: 07202 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07202 #\\ #[English] #Kernel copied OK, but unable to save boot -c changes #to it. See the debug screen (ALT-F2) for details. #Message ID: 07045 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07045 #\\ #[English] #Can't find a kernel image to link to on the root file system! #You're going to have a hard time getting this system to #boot from the hard disk, I'm afraid! #Message ID: 07046 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07046 #\\ #[English] #Remaking all devices.. Please wait! #Message ID: 07047 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07047 #\\ #[English] #MAKEDEV returned non-zero status #Message ID: 07073 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07073 #\\ #[English] #Resurrecting /dev entries for slices.. #Message ID: 07050 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07050 #\\ #[English] #Making slice entries for %s #Message ID: 07051 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07051 #\\ #[English] #Unable to make slice entries for %s! #Message ID: 07052 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07052 #\\ #[English] #Fixing permissions in XFree86 tree.. #Message ID: 07126 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07126 #\\ #[English] #Installing package metainfo.. #Message ID: 07053 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07053 #\\ #[English] #Unable to make device node for %s in /dev! #The creation of filesystems will be aborted. #Message ID: 07054 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07054 #\\ #[English] #Added %s as initial swap device #Message ID: 07055 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07055 #\\ #[English] #WARNING! Unable to swap to %s: %s #This may cause the installation to fail at some point #if you don't have a lot of memory. #Message ID: 07056 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07056 #\\ #[English] #Unable to make device node for %s in /dev! #The creation of filesystems will be aborted. #Message ID: 07057 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07057 #\\ #[English] #Warning: %s is marked as a root partition but is mounted on %s #Message ID: 07127 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07127 #\\ #[English] #You are upgrading - are you SURE you want to newfs the root partition? #Message ID: 07058 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07058 #\\ #[English] #Making a new root filesystem on %s #Message ID: 07059 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07059 #\\ #[English] #Unable to make new root filesystem on %s! #Command returned status %d #Message ID: 07060 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07060 #\\ #[English] #Warning: Using existing root partition. It will be assumed #that you have the appropriate device entries already in /dev. #Message ID: 07061 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07061 #\\ #[English] #Checking integrity of existing %s filesystem. #Message ID: 07062 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07062 #\\ #[English] #Warning: fsck returned status of %d for %s. #This partition may be unsafe to use. #Message ID: 07063 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07063 #\\ #[English] #Unable to mount the root file system on %s! Giving up. #Message ID: 07078 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07078 #\\ #[English] #No chunk list found for %s! #Message ID: 07128 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07128 #\\ #[English] #You are upgrading - are you SURE you want to newfs /dev/%s? #Message ID: 07065 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07065 #\\ #[English] #Added %s as an additional swap device #Message ID: 07066 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07066 #\\ #[English] #Unable to add %s as a swap device: %s #Message ID: 07067 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07067 #\\ #[English] #Copying initial device files.. #Message ID: 07068 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07068 #\\ #[English] #Couldn't clone the /dev files! #Message ID: 07069 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07069 #\\ #[English] #Copying the boot floppy to /stand on root filesystem #Message ID: 07070 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07070 #\\ #[English] #Copy returned error status of %d! #Message ID: 07071 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07071 #\\ #[English] #Couldn't copy up the /etc files! #Message ID: 07072 #[no translated message!] #$$$$07072 #\\ #[English] #Unable to initialize termcap file. Some screen-orientedutilities may not work.