#Message ID: 16000 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16000 #\\ #[English] #Host: #Message ID: 16001 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16001 #\\ #[English] #Your fully-qualified hostname, e.g. foo.bar.com #Message ID: 16002 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16002 #\\ #[English] #Domain: #Message ID: 16003 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16003 #\\ #[English] #The name of the domain that your machine is in, e.g. bar.com #Message ID: 16004 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16004 #\\ #[English] #IPv4 Gateway: #Message ID: 16005 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16005 #\\ #[English] #IPv4 address of host forwarding packets to non-local destinations #Message ID: 16006 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16006 #\\ #[English] #Name server: #Message ID: 16007 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16007 #\\ #[English] #IPv4 or IPv6 address of your local DNS server #Message ID: 16008 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16008 #\\ #[English] #IPv4 Address: #Message ID: 16009 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16009 #\\ #[English] #The IPv4 address to be used for this interface #Message ID: 16010 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16010 #\\ #[English] #Netmask: #Message ID: 16011 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16011 #\\ #[English] #The netmask for this interface, e.g. 0xffffff00 for a class C network #Message ID: 16012 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16012 #\\ #[English] #Extra options to ifconfig: #Message ID: 16013 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16013 #\\ #[English] #Any interface-specific options to ifconfig you would like to add #Message ID: 16015 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16015 #\\ #[English] #Select this if you are happy with these settings #Message ID: 16017 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16017 #\\ #[English] #Select this if you wish to cancel this screen #Message ID: 16018 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16018 #\\ #[English] #Must specify a host name of some sort! #Message ID: 16019 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16019 #\\ #[English] #Invalid gateway IPv4 address specified #Message ID: 16020 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16020 #\\ #[English] #Invalid name server IP address specified #Message ID: 16021 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16021 #\\ #[English] #Invalid netmask value #Message ID: 16022 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16022 #\\ #[English] #Invalid IPv4 address #Message ID: 16042 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16042 #\\ #[English] #Do you want to try IPv6 configuration of the interface? #Message ID: 16044 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16044 #\\ #[English] #Scanning for RA servers... #Message ID: 16038 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16038 #\\ #[English] #Do you want to try DHCP configuration of the interface? #Message ID: 16040 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16040 #\\ #[English] #Scanning for DHCP servers... #Message ID: 16033 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16033 #\\ #[English] #WARNING: hostname variable not set and is a non-optional #parameter. Please add this to your installation script #or set the netInteractive variable (see sysinstall man page) #Message ID: 16031 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16031 #\\ #[English] #Cannot open TCP/IP dialog window!! #Message ID: 16032 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16032 #\\ #[English] # Configuration for Interface %s #Message ID: 16023 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16023 #\\ #[English] #No network devices available! #Message ID: 16034 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16034 #\\ #[English] #Running multi-user, assume that the network is already configured? #Message ID: 16024 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16024 #\\ #[English] #Would you like to bring the %s interface up right now? #Message ID: 16025 #[no translated message!] #$$$$16025 #\\ #[English] #Initialization of %s device failed.