FreeBSD ÇÚµåºÏ : Printing : Using Printers : Removing Jobs
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7.5.3. Removing Jobs

If you change your mind about printing a job, you can remove the job from the queue with the lprm command. Often, you can even use lprm to remove an active job, but some or all of the job might still get printed.

To remove a job from the default printer, first use lpq to find the job number. Then type

lprm job-number
To remove the job from a specific printer, add the -P option. The following command removes job number 10 from the queue for the printer bamboo:
lprm -P bamboo 10
The lprm command has a few shortcuts:
lprm -

Removes all jobs (for the default printer) belonging to you.

lprm user

Removes all jobs (for the default printer) belonging to user. The superuser can remove other users' jobs; you can remove only your own jobs.


With no job number, user name, or ``-'' appearing on the command line, lprm removes the currently active job on the default printer, if it belongs to you. The superuser can remove any active job.

Just use the -P option with the above shortcuts to operate on a specific printer instead of the default. For example, the following command removes all jobs for the current user in the queue for the printer named rattan:

lprm -P rattan -

Note: If you are working in a networked environment,

lprm will let you remove jobs only from the host from which the jobs were submitted, even if the same printer is available from other hosts. The following command sequence demonstrates this:

rose% lpr -P rattan myfile
rose% rlogin orchid
orchid% lpq -P rattan
Rank   Owner	  Job  Files				     Total Size
active seeyan	  12	...				     49123 bytes
2nd    kelly	  13   myfile				     12 bytes
orchid% lprm -P rattan 13
rose: Permission denied
orchid% logout
rose% lprm -P rattan 13
dfA013rose dequeued
cfA013rose dequeued

FreeBSD ÇÚµåºÏ : Printing : Using Printers : Removing Jobs
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